Penis Filler revision is for anyone who has received a penis filler procedure from another provider and is looking to achieve a better aesthetic outcome. Our goal for satisfactory penis filler is to examine the filler that was placed in the wrong areas or had settled inappropriately to be potentially dissolved or touched up with a strategic blend of filler artistically and precisely placed to achieve optimal girth injection results.
Filler Dissolving Pricing:
$400/vial of dissolving enzyme
The amount of vials required can vary and multiple rounds may be required.
Penis Filler Pricing:
First 5 syringes: $4000
Second 5 syringes: $700 per additional syringe
Over 10 syringes: $600 per additional syringe
So, if you were to get 15 syringes, the cost would be $4000 + $3500 + $3000.
In order to receive the discounted pricing, the amount of syringes would need to be utilized in one session.
During a penis filler revision we may partially or fully dissolve existing filler to correct lumps, bumps, and irregularities. Sometimes dissolving the penis filler is not necessary and we can fill around or through the existing filler to result in satisfactory penis enlargement. The exact process to correct botched penis filler results will be determined through a consultation to decide if one or two appointments are necessary. In some cases we may be able to dissolve some irregularities and fill around them within one visit. In more serious cases of fillers with complications, one or more full dissolving sessions may be required before performing our signature girth enhancement treatment.
Our technique utilizes a strategic blend of hyaluronic acid penis fillers that are safely injected along the sides of the penis to create a more girthy penis. Penis enlargement requires several syringes to obtain the desired result with minimal downtime. Most patients start with 10-15 syringes for their initial treatment. The longer a patient’s penis is, the more penis filler shots they will require to make a visual impact.
We are often sought out by patients who have received poor penis enlargement results from Girth Enhancement procedures from other providers. Chris Bustamante, DNP, NP-C, Aesthetic Nurse Practitioner aka InjectorChris is the leading expert in Penis Filler, including Penis Filler revision work to help patients achieve optimal, natural-looking results. He is skilled in correcting imperfections such as lumps/bumps, asymmetry, and Penis Filler migration issues. His technique for penis filler revision utilizes a customized approach of potential micro dissolving and refilling to place filler strategically to deliver the gold standard in Girth Enhancement with Penis Filler. And unlike most providers, Chris Bustamante, DNP, NP-C has extensive experience working with uncircumcised penises.
Avoid alcohol for a week prior to receiving penis filler revision
Consult with your medical provider if you are able to discontinue blood thinning medication such as Ibuprofen, Excedrin, Aspirin, Aleve, and Fish Oil 2 weeks prior to penis filler
The optimal candidate for penis enlargement revision is someone who has been treated with a Hyaluronic Acid based filler and is looking to achieve a better aesthetic outcome. You can call your last provider to find out what penis filler they used. If a calcium-based filler such as Radiesse were used, we may be able to make some corrections. Patients who have been treated with BellaFill® cannot have this filler dissolved, as it’s permanent. However, we can help to “conceal” penis filler irregularities from BellaFill® by strategically filling around the poorly placed filler.
Patients who have been treated with silicone are NOT candidates for penis filler revisions, unfortunately. Permanent solutions like these are unable to be corrected. We advise you to speak with your last provider or a plastic surgeon about surgical removal of these fillers.
Most patients should expect a few days of mild tenderness. Moderate swelling should be expected for 72 hours and then potential mild swelling may linger for two weeks depending on the individual. Strenuous activity and sexual activity should be limited for 24 hours after penile filler revision has been applied.
When seeing an expert like Chris Bustamante, DNP, NP-C, penis filler is a treatment with highly predictable outcomes. Bruising and swelling are common side effects and therefore patients should plan for a reasonable amount of visual downtime. Other potential side effects are more rare but can occur such as: bumps/lumps, skin irregularities, poor placement, migration of filler, and tissue inflammation are not common, but are important to take into account. Potential infection must be noted with all penis filler treatments, but is not common when performed by a well trained medical provider.
Patients can expect a more even and optimal result then what they initially presented with after receiving filler with complications. Our goal is to correct lumps/bumps, migration issues and make sure the penis filler looks symmetrical and smooth. The results should appear natural, yet impactful.
Hyaluronidase is an enzyme utilized to dissolve hyaluronic acid based dermal filler. The dissolver will be mixed with lidocaine so the procedure is comfortable. There will be swelling present after your penis filler revision. Some small bruises may also occur after penis filler dissolves. Bruising and swelling typically take 1-2 weeks to fully settle. But the area will progressively improve day by day.
Bruising and swelling are possible side effects of penis filler dissolving.
No, both circumcised and uncircumcised penises can be treated with penis filler. Chris Bustamante, DNP is known for his expertise in treating uncircumcised patients and has a lot of experience revising poorly done penis filler.
Penis filler and Penis Filler dissolving have no effects on sensitivity or erection quality. There are no studies on semen quality post-penis filler or after the use of hyularonidase in the penis, though it seems unlikely that modifying the penis has any impact on testicular function.
A range of medical professionals, from Nurse Practitioners, Physicians and PAs can legally perform penis filler. However, a medical provider needs to perform penis girth enlargement procedures multiple times a day to become proficient in this complicated procedure. While it may seem that a Urologist may be a penis filler expert; penis filler is actually not taught in Urology residencies or medical school, so most Urologists do not receive any formal training in girth enhancement. It is recommended to seek out someone who specializes in non surgical sexual enhancement procedures, such as penis filler, for a living and does hundreds of these procedures a year, like Chris Bustamante, DNP, NP-C.
Wearing a “sleeve” to keep your extended after penis filler seems to be a popular post-care instruction now provided by larger marketing organizations that promote penis filler. Please know that this is NOT proper post-care and WILL likely contribute to further deformation of the penis filler as it heals. Leading to irregular shapes, lumps, and bumps. When working with Chris Bustamante, DNP, NP-C, the leading Penis Filler expert, he will provide you with the proper post-care required to achieve the most optimal results of penis filler revisions to protect your investment.
Girth Enhancement is not just a medical procedure, it’s a precise art form. Therefore, it’s essential that your medical provider utilizes the highest quality FDA-approved fillers. Here at Lushful Aesthetics, Chris Bustamante, DNP, NP-C , trusted expert in Penis Filler understands that different fillers have various consistencies and should be blended to create the perfect viscosity for optimal outcomes that leave him and his patients satisfied with the results of their penis filler revisions. This is why Chris will utilize 2-3 different fillers during each case to create the highest quality result. It’s important to note, there is no dermal filler that is FDA-approved to be utilized in the penis. But these fillers are FDA approved for various areas of the face. Utilizing dermal filler in the penis is always considered an off-label treatment.